Just a quickie as no pictures today as the back orders on the oval scallop punches and Oval All stamp sets arrived mid afternoon today and I just had to nip out to deliver them to anxiously awaiting customers – you know who you are I thought they’d waited long enough so delivered them personally straight away. By the time we got back via the Chinese Take-Away, the light was fading and it was impossible to take any decent pictures. Will take some tomorrow for the record. We had a slight glitch today, builders had to down tools as the wrong size steel had been delivered – a whole metre too short! They cracked on with other work while waiting for the new steel to arrive. So our kitchen was ripped to the bare bones instead – all the floor tiles have gone, and only the kitchen sink, cooker and washing machine remain plus the fridge/freezer of course.
Oh dear, poor you. Bet they stood there taking a sharp intake of breath, in the way builders do;-) Hope you are making the most of not cooking!
Sam x