PRE – CONVENTION 2011, Day 1 in Paris

Hi everyone, I’m back after a fantastic  4 days away.  Having had to get up at the crack of dawn (5.00 am) on Thursday, 17 November to catch the 7.15 am flight to Orly, Paris we were champing at the bit to maximise our fun time in  Disneyland parks.  We wasted no time as soon as we got to the Sequoia Lodge to check in our bags and headed straight for Walt Disney Studios.

Being a non-Parisienne and also a Disneyland Europe “virgin” I just had to fit in one or two rides, Crush’s Coaster being one of them.

I have no idea which film this vehicle appears in – Armageddon perhaps? It just looked cool, so I snapped it anyway. You can see the charred building in the back.

I took this pic of a classic car for hubby’s benefit really – it just seemed to epitomise the flavour of America!

As dusk falls, we decided to make tracks back to the hotel to unpack and get ready for the Team Dinner.

En route we finally espied Mickey posing for photos with his fans

and bid a final farewell to Walt Disney Studios.

Amanda gathered the team for a Team Dinner and held her own little Awards ceremony!  It was such fun.  As I haven’t had permission to publish anyone’s photos, I’ve not identified anyone, but if they happen to visit my blog, they’ll all know who they are!  Congratulations to the award winners!  Click on the photo to enlarge it.  At first glance I seem to have the lovely lady in the bottom right photo cut off! 

It was an early night for all in anticipation for the big day ahead which we were all looking forward to.  Watch this space for the second instalment!

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