A proud moment today as I was invited to witness Hubby’s presentation of his ICE Fellowship Certificate, the most senior membership grade bestowed by the Institution of Civil Engineers. I have never been on this hallowed turf for the profession before and I was awestruck by its history and architecture. The photos are taken with my phone, so I apologise for the picture quality.
Looking at the Board of Presidents from the past right up to today starting with the illustrious and famous Thomas Telford in 1820! Another name of recognition – can you spot it?
What with the snow overnight, we caught the early train up to London and consequently arrived early with time to kill so we made a reckie to get our bearings pre-registration.
The certificate recipients were to be seated separately from their guests in the Thomas Telford Theatre and we found where his seat was.
The presentation took place in the Great Hall……
which was still being prepared for the Ceremony at the time I took this picture.
The ceiling was amazing – so were the chandeliers, but these pictures don’t do it any justice at all.
Then we snuck into the library…………….
After registration, we were served a standing light Buffet Breakfast in the Brunel and Smeaton Rooms on the ground floor.
His moment of glory – shaking hands with the President and receiving his Fellowship Certificate.
A photo op with the President of the ICE (middle) and BamNuttall’s Professional Development Manager on the right.
A group photo with some of the other recipients from his firm.
….followed by a very pleasant lunch to mark the occasion to finish the day. Yes, definitely a day to remember!