Pedal Presents

A thought for the day: To make or not to make a “Father’s Day” card for your partner.

Recently both myself and my husband’s friends have ridiculed us for observing Mothering Sunday and Father’s Day with each other. I do understand their view that I am not my husband’s mother, nor he, my father. However, eversince our children were born, we got into the habit of giving each other cards, a token gift, and a little pampering not just when the children were young but even after they’d flown the nest.

All too often, our busy lives mean we do take each other for granted, so what is the harm in just taking Mothering Sunday and Father’s Day as an opportunity to say “thank you” for all your help and support that we each give in our own way to our children, especially in their formative years . Even now, as adults, they still need us – especially when they need financial aid or act as a sounding board when things aren’t going tickety boo, not to mention babysitting duties on top of that!  So even if our peers think we’re mad, we shall carry on regardless – it’s healthy for our relationship and it’s always nice to be made to feel special whenever the occasion arises.  OK rant over!

So here’s the card I made for my hubby.  He has joined the “Cycle to Work” scheme and collected his brand new bike on Saturday, and the new Hostess stamp set in the summer mini “Pedal Presents” was the obvious choice.  The technique I’ve used on this card is embossing with the framelit dies.  I just love this colour combo – Pool Party, Island Indigo, Very Vanilla.  His bike is a lovely red, and happens to coordinate well with my colour combo.

This is an easel card made with the Labels Collection Framelit dies and I used the centre of one of the Apothecary Art images as a “stopper” for the easel bit.

Some of the sentiments I used are from my personal collection.  “Husband” is from the “For my Family” stamp set in the main catalogue.

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