These are just some of the Thanksgiving samples I made for a show earlier in the year. There are too many
so I’ve formatted it into a collage.
I’ve included two singles here so you can see perfectly.
It’s a day to reflect and I wanted to say I am so thankful for my family and especially for my hubby who recently did something really sweet by driving me up to Manchester and back for convention because he knew how worried I was about driving myself. I am thankful for so many things and often times life gets so busy we don’t always remember to stop and make time to tell each other just how thankful we really are, especially if you’ve been married as long we have! So today, although we don’t mark Thanksgiving as a holiday celebration I just wanted take a moment to count my blessings and take stock of all the things that I am truly grateful and thankful for. So thank you to my hubby for this selfless act and for which I am more than truly grateful.
Happy Thanksgiving Day for those who are celebrating Thanksgiving today.