I’m back!

Being mindful of warnings about not letting everyone know that you’re going away especially on a public platform, I’ve kept it on a need to know basis for friends and family, but I have been away since 13th April and only got back on Friday 13th May – sounds in-auspicious, but we started our journey home from San Francisco on the 12th and due to the different time zones, London being 8 hours ahead, it meant that we arrived back in Blighty on the 13th!  Hopefully, due to the magic of scheduling, the posts have been published thrice weekly on the blog in my absence.

It has always been my dream to attend an OnStage Live event in America.  My husband retired at the end of November 2015, and we thought we’d combine this with an epic road trip as part of a holiday to mark his retirement.

Neither of us had ever experienced life in an RV (read camper van) so after OnStage Live, we picked up the RV on Monday 18th April and have driven across from Salt Lake City to San Francisco calling in at several scenic spots along the way.   

Needless to say, my body clock hasn’t quite gotten back into gear and I’ve been away from my studio for so long, I found it hard to engage my brain too!  I’d picked up this cute pottery, modelled after one made in the 12th – 13th century by the Pueblos.

These people  lived in cave dwellings built under the overhang of rocks in the Mesa Verde region.  

I bought the pottery as a “Thank You” gift for our friend who was keeping an eye on the house for us. It’s supposed to be a sheep, but she has two beautiful German Shepherds and as far as she was concerned, this looked like a dog, despite what the little note said!

I’m coming to the crafty bit!  I had some retired Halloween paper left so made a box for it.  It took several goes and  much wasted paper (told you brain not engaged)!

…and eventually did it on copy paper to prevent further mishaps!

So that’s the design process!

Here’s the final result!  Oh by the way, did you know that Flamingos are the new big thing?  Sneaky peek perchance? Have a lovely day.  It’s good to be back! Happy stamping!

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