Star Struck at OnStage Live, Salt Lake City, 2016

Bear with me – I’ve only just got back and although OnStage happened over a month ago, I’ve been away all that time so haven’t really had a chance to share!

In a “galaxy far, far, away,  (read United States of America)  live many long standing talented Stampin’ Up! Demonstrators, some awesome Million$ Achievers and current members of the Artisan team who I was lucky enough to meet.   You’ll recognise most of them, but this video template restricted how much text I could insert so I’ve recapped on some of the pictures to highlight who’s who!

When Stampin’ Up! revamped the way they did Convention, they had a main event called OnStage Live at a host city/market and all the rest globally would hold OnStage Local events for their respective area/market.  This opened up attendance for Demonstrators all over the world  to attend the OnStage Live event wherever it was being held.  Every six months The Onstage Live event rotate to Europe,  North America, and the South Pacific (Australia).   In fact the next OnStage Live event in November will be held in Brisbane and then in April, 2017 it will be coming back to Europe. The Inaugural OnStage Live was held in Brussels last November. A handful of American Demonstrators and other Nationalities took the opportunity to visit Europe and that’s how I met Phyllis and Tamra, both Demonstrators from the USA and I was Tamra’s Roomie. When the announcement was made that the next OnStage Live event would be in Salt Lake City, you can see why I leapt at the chance of going to visit America! I have to say a huge thank you to both Phyllis and Tamra for their hospitality – both have been so kind and generous and I feel humbled by what big hearts they have. There’s definitely a more relaxed feel to OnStage Live  in America. There was a live band before the serious stuff started, and much singing and dancing going on in the aisles!

Here’s Phyllis walking across the stage in recognition of her amazing 600K plus sales – WOWSER! Congratulations Phyllis!


You can see from the grin on my face jus how excited I was to be there and Kimberley van Diepen who is one of the Artisan design team this year graciously posed for a selfie with us!  In fact she took the pic claiming that she’s awesome at taking selfies! Next to me is my fellow teamie, Sally who I was so pleased to have sharing this whole experience with me too.

I bumped  into the lovely Meg Loven – I’ve been following her for years and I couldn’t believe my luck to have a photo call with her too at Centrestage  in the evening.  Her flight was delayed due to bad weather the following day and we ended up having a meal together with a couple of her friends too. 

After Onstage Live, we happened to bump into the lovely Linda Bauwin who is the latest Million$$$ Achiever outside the Concert Hall in Temple Square.

My cup certainly ran over and it fulfilled a life time’s dream of attending and meeting some of the people who have been my inspiration since joining Stampin’ Up! 

Still on cloud 9 from our epic road trip, but that’s a tale, or several tales for another day!

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