Stampin’ fun with fellow demos

What have you been doing this weekend?  I had a lovely day yesterday with my Stampin’ Sisters at a Fun Day hosted by my Team Leader, Amanda. Some attendees did shoe box swaps and other’s did a short demonstration, but it was a day of sharing tips and techniques and generally getting back to our roots with creating and stamping just for fun.

I received this stamp set at the Onstage Live event in Salt Lake City back in April, but it had yet to see ink!  Not my usual style, so it was a challenge to create something I was happy with.

It’s not easy when there’s just a bunch of words and font styles in the stamp set with very few floral images – this set is called Confetti Celebrations, but here is the result.  What do you think?   Did the girl do good?

Today I’m going to be racing around on a cleaning spree getting ready for my sister’s visit tomorrow. She arrived from Brisbane on Friday and is spending the weekend with her children before coming to stay with us so it’s been a busy July so far.

Hope you’re having a brilliant weekend! 

Stampin’ love and smiles

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