Thoughtful Branches – more than a tree

Yesterday some of our relatives visited and it was the most perfect summer day – in the low 20s, sun shining, tinkle of children’s laughter as they played – just perfect barbecue weather and we were able to enjoy our “pumpkin” (garden building) to its full potential!  My special “rellies” (read relatives) were taking time from their busy schedules to come visit and for my l’il’ sis, her English adventure is drawing to a close and it felt like the last supper before she flies back to Brisbane!  Quite frankly, I didn’t want the day to end.

I’d love to share pics of my grandchildren, but my daughter would have a fit if I published any pics of her two boys without her permission, so here’s a substitute from the Thoughtful Trees bundle which I briefly “flashed” in my video last Wednesday!  

The tree has been triple cut and glued on top of each other making it much stronger and thicker and consequently easier to adhere to the card front.  I painted it with Wink of Stella Gold and die cut several leaves in various colours heaped in a pile. Enjoy your Sunday.  I’m going to make the most of what time is left of today with the grandchildren and of course my daughter and son-in-law’s visit. There’s Rio fever in this house – have you been watching too? xxxx!

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