Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!  Please spare a thought too for those who have lost their partners and are alone.  If you do know someone who is in this predicament, do something nice – call to just say hello and reach out.

This year hubby and I mutually agreed that it would be a chocolate free zone in our household for the foreseeable future.  Our godson is getting married in August, and rather than buying new outfits, we’re going to try and get suited and booted with the gear we bought for our daughter’s wedding over 13 years ago!!!!  Wish us luck!  

Bearing that in mind, my lovely other half  bought me a beautiful bouquet from Marks called “Wild Devotion” and I love these gorgeous South African Protea blooms – it’s such an exotic combination with a few roses thrown in.  There were also some very full bouquets of roses from £80 – £100.  If you were able to afford them and make that grand gesture, I still think it’s an incredible waste because roses don’t last very long and get droopy heads very quickly within the week!  Cynicism aside, it’s nice to take time out to reaffirm your devotion to each other as a couple on Valentines Day, but I can’t help feeling that it’s just another occasion to capitalise on for the big boys to make big bucks and restaurateurs, especially! 

Hubby chose his gift and I made a customised box to fit it in.   I designed it so that his card was an integral part of the lid and the ribbon was secured underneath the mat layers on the lid.

The box has a hinged lid which opens independently.

When you untie the ribbon, it releases the three panels of the card on the lid.

Of course I had to do a little stamping from the Sealed with Love stamp set.

I also stamped and wrote a message on the inside third panel, but it’s for his eyes only, so it’s not pictured.

….and finally ta-dah!…. a little naughty surprise – just the one won’t do his figure any harm and he can stay on track with his weight loss program! Hope you’re all loved up!  Enjoy your day, whatever you’re doing!  Back tomorrow with some stinkin’ cute Tees!

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