Tickled Pink!

Good day everyone!  

Is “Tickled Pink” a typically English phrase or is it universal, I wonder?   You’d think I’d know having been married to an Englishman for over 40 years – and English being my mother tongue.  

Anyway, last Saturday I attended an All Day Training session in Locks Heath and was busy making these for a team swap.  On the surface it looks like I only made a few, but there are lots more hidden underneath this pile!  

I wanted something quick and easy to mass produce but the flamingo looked rather lonely on his own so in the interest of aesthetics, muggins decided to mask and stamp another to appear behind!   What I didn’t realise at the time was that the body of the flamingo was triple stamping, and the legs were two-step, so each flamingo needed 5 stamps to complete it!  Doh! 

Long story short, it took rather longer than I anticipated to complete all these and I’m quite pleased with the end result.

You’re probably wondering which punch I used for the label – it’s the new pretty label punch, but I just snipped the top and bottom off and one of the edges to create a smaller label.

Thanks for popping by. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and happy stamping!

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