…..and pigs can fly with some garden loveliness!

Happy Sunday you lovely people! Somehow I missed posting this, but it was a technique I used in another post for a Mother’s Day card which you can see here and I adapted it for the little piggy card.

Instead of just stamping on the letters, I stamped on the card front and cut out the the letters from the Large Letters Framelits dies.  To add strength and height to the letters, I die cut another 2 of the same letters to glue underneath the stamped ones and pieced it back together just like a jig-saw.

I also did a bit of research to find out about different breeds of pigs and found that not ALL piggies are born pink, they do have markings and not all made by rolling in the mud!    So hence my splodgy piglet.  The wings were coloured in with  the brush tip end of a Smoky Slate marker and I followed up with a touch of Wink of Stella.

Here’s the inside of the card.  So stinking cute!  Truth be told, this set wasn’t on my radar at all – but after seeing the darling creations Charlotte Harding our Training & Events guru in Stampin’ Up!’s Frankfurt office, I was sold!

It’s just a different way of using those wonderful Large Letters Framelits dies!  Hope you like it.

Before I go, just wanted to share some photos of this unusual bird bath we saw at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show this year.  

If you’ve been following the Hampton court Flower show on the BBC – it featured this Zoflora & Caudwell Children’s wild garden specifically designed for children with Autism. It  won Best Show & World Garden – the photos really does not do it justice, you have to experience walking through it and touching and interacting with it.  It even had a trampoline built into the ground, which would fit a wheelchair in but unfortunately, we don’t have a photo of it.  You can however see Monty Don bouncing up and down on it on the BBC program!

Underneath this wooden structure was a little table and chairs to have a picnic and doubles up as a sandpit.

A “crow’s nest” to sit and contemplate and the picture below shows the view from here when you look down.

So picturesque……plenty of shade for a hot summer day and a great place to play hide and seek!

Such a perfect setting and the seat of the swing is an enormous plaited  rope!

A stream that runs through the whole garden and in the background an enormous hollowed out tree trunk that doubles up as a tunnel.

This huge boulder actually spins when you push it.  The garden was designed by Adam White & Andree Davies (Davies White Ltd)  – they really deserved the Best in Show award and needless to say they also won Gold!

That’s all for today – enjoy the rest of the weekend where every you may be!

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