Cute Pop Up crates of flowers!

Happy Sunday everyone!  So pleased that these little beauties are thriving in their new home.  We have a window planter over the bay window which had been looking bedraggled and empty for several months.  Last week, hubby renewed the lining and put fresh compost in and planted them when we had that very hot spell.

We abandoned them for a couple of days whilst we were visiting our daughter in Leeds and were worried that they would wilt, but thankfully when we got back late Monday, they seemed to be holding up.  I have no idea what their botanical names are – just that they’re pretty hues of violet with a sprinkling of white and pink which coordinate nicely.

Since we’re on a floral theme, I thought you might like to see these little crates of sunflowers too.  I had fun making this card and finding different ways to use the crate die.  What do you think?  The knock on effect is that you can use that bunch of sunflowers from the Bike Ride Bundle in a totally different context too!

Here’s the front of the card which looks like an ordinary card……………

………..until you open it and see inside!   What do you think?

Enjoy your weekend.

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