Never too old to learn!

Do you remember  “A Nice Cuppa”?  If not, you can see it here.  They retired the stamp set and dies and those darling embellishments which went with it together with the 6″x 6″ DSP stack and it made me sad because I think here in the UK we are a nation of mostly tea drinkers.  In our household, it’s 50/50 – hubby can’t start his day without a cup of coffee and  usually consumes 3 or 4 a day with the occasional tea, whereas I usually have tea and occasionally a coffee.  Generally speaking caffeine in coffee keeps me awake, so I tend to ask for de-caffeinated especially if we’re dining out and rounding our meal off with coffee in the evening.

This week, I learnt that to make the perfect brew – you need to use purified water, or filtered water, and freshly boiled water poured over the tea bag and leave it to steep  in the cup for 5 minutes before it’s ready to drink.  Apparently it’s even better if it’s in a red cup (not essential but there is some psychological jiggery pokery to the brain that says it is)!  So of course  we acquired a water filter jug to test this claim and much to our surprise, it really did taste better and you don’t get that awful scum on the top of your cup.   Since making that discovery, hubby is drinking tea and coffee in equal measure!

So as I don’t have the stamps or tools to showcase a cup of tea, here’s one with coffee instead!

Happy Sunday!

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