
Hiya!  What are you doing this Sunday?  Can’t wait to tuck into these.  I’ve been busy putting ribbons on these Vintersaga from Ikea.  

I’d ordered a ribbed glass cookie jar through Amazon last week, and have been anxiously waiting for it to arrive so I could put the biscuits in.  To my dismay, when I opened the box, the jar arrived without the lid!!!

I rang the shop straight away and they apologised and said they’d despatch it immediately.  True to their word, the lid arrived by courier Friday morning  and  I’ve been happily threading ribbon through the holes in the biscuits to put in the jar.

Apart from sending Christmas cards – what other traditions do you observe with the run up to christmas?

At time of writing, I am knee deep in Christmas decorations.  I’m not going the whole hog this year as our Kitchen is in disarray owing to a rising damp problem and half the wall has been taken back to bare brick.  We’ve had surveyors and even a specialist in to check our pipes and it isn’t a broken pipe problem.  Hubby has had to take kitchen cabinets out – I feel as though we’re camping! 

On top of that our boiler has been acting up again – why does it always go wrong when we have a cold spell?  Thank goodness we’re covered by a Home Care agreement with British Gas.  The engineer identified the problem and has ordered £900 worth of parts to repair it – almost like having a new boiler, so he’ll be back on Tuesday to fix it! 

It’s all happening on Tuesday – my last class of the year,  so I am frantically trying  to do as much as I can now before we go away for the weekend to visit my daughter. I’ll barely have time when we get back some time during Monday.

Whatever you’re doing – have a good one!

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