Double zig zag panel card – Dressed to Impress

Happy Sunday!

For some time now, a light has been shone on mental health issues, sometimes you’re not even aware that someone is suffering until it’s too late.  Even more poignant now during the lockdown as a further extension of staying at home has been announced, it’s more important than ever that we try to keep upbeat.

The  “Dressed to Impress” stamp set  delivers a powerful message, but then again, I suppose as with anything, it is how one chooses to interpret it.  More on that later.

Here’s the card – which looks like any other card, but……

double zig zag panel card - Dressed to Impress
double zig-zag panel card opened with Dressed to Impress

…when it opens, it reveals this fancy fold.  I used this same fold for my easter cards, and they were very well received.

Why did I find the sentiments in this stamp set so empowering?  I chose to interpret the sentiments my way… 

“Life is short,  buy the shoes” –  treat yourself, you’re worth it!  

“Be as bold as your lipstick” – stand up and be counted – don’t let the bullies win!

“Kindness is always in style” – kindness is priceless, it’s free,  and if someone is having a difficult day, a kind word, or just being there to listen certainly uplifts the spirits. 

In today’s climate, nothing rings more true than the kindness and devotion of those who work in the NHS.  Let’s not forget the unsung heroes like the  dustmen, postmen and truckers, doing their jobs and risking their own lives.  It is all so humbling. 

Fashion houses have now been called upon to sew scrubs for  hospital staff as they’re running short. Volunteers giving  their time freely, people at home busy sewing scrubs/masks amongst other altruistic endeavours.   

My niece works in the front line, as does her husband. She can go through 7 changes of scrubs in a day to avoid cross contamination in ICU.   My sister-in-law with her sewing skills was asked to sew scrubs because of the shortage. It’s heartwarming to know everyone is pulling together.

Have you heard of Captain Tom’s selfless challenge? He has become a bit of a “Celebrity” having raised £20 million thus far for the NHS.  His original plan was to walk 100 laps in his garden before his 100th birthday and was aiming for a modest £1,000!  I’m sure he’s done more than a 100 laps by now but he said he’d carry on walking as long as the money kept rolling in! Bravo Captain Tom! If you’d like to send him a birthday card here are the details below.

rainbow cake for captain tom's 100th birthday
rainbow cake for captain tom’s 100th birthday

Do you have a story to tell?  How has COVID affected you?  Remember, a  problem aired is a problem shared! Or you could be just spreading joy, instead of germs – now there’s a hashtag in the making!

Below is a photo of the back of the card which was also decorated so that it provided somewhere to address the recipient and pen a few lines yourself.

double zig zag panel card back with Dressed Up bundle
double zig zag panel card back with Dressed Up bundle

I have books galore on card making and fun folds – and this is a template I have used time and again – it’s not as difficult as it looks and I used the same template for an easter card which you can find HERE.

Product List
Bundle Of Love Specialty Designer Series Paper
Bundle Of Love Specialty Designer Series Paper

Use my 2025 March Host Code 7QDQCNHR. All orders over £40 will receive a special gift from me. Ordering over £150? Keep the rewards for yourself & still get my gift! 

Posted in Card making, Fun Folds, technique and tagged , , .

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