Blended card with quirky inside fold

Say hello to these adorable “Party Puffins”! This blended card with a quirky inside fold happened quite by accident. I was aiming for something quite different. Originally I had been aiming for a tri-fold but it became only a partial one.

The best places to see puffins in the UK is the Channel Islands. Here’s a little factoid – did you know that climate change is affecting their numbers? Warm waters are pushing their main source of food like sand eels further north and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is so concerned that they have said that if nothing is done to stop the decline, puffins could face global extinction and by 2067, figures suggest there will be 50% fewer puffins.

During the breeding season they return to land choosing steep cliff faces, digging tunnels to lay their eggs in. There is a new Bark 3D embossing folder which I thought also resembled craggy rock texture. Once embossed, I added some Gray Granite to mimic the hue of the rock, and Granny Apple Green to add the moss like texture.

I took some artistic licence, drew sand eels for the puffin to eat. It looks like she’s feeding her baby! The clouds are from the Mountain Air stamp set.

blended card with puffins

Detail for the inside of card

With the help of my Stamparatus I stamped this trio of puffins and used a masking technique to make two of the puffins appear to stand behind the one in front. I fussy cut around the puffins and discarded the surplus card stock. I blended the ground in Granny Apple Green and used a bone folder to tease the card stock to form a curve so I could tuck it behind the fish.

inside card detail with shortened trifold arc

As the puffins were looking down, several fishes were stamped in their eye line as a focal point. I also stamped some extras and fussy cut them separately to correspond with the stamped ones below which had overlapped.

You can view a bona fide trifold card HERE, this time with chickens!

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Posted in Card making, Fun Folds, technique, Fancy Fun Fold, Technique and tagged , , .

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