Happy Father’s Day – He’s all that

Happy Father’s Day to all the men folk out there who are Dads, uncles, grand-dads past and present. Sadly both my Dad and hubby’s Dad left this mortal coil many years ago, but they are forever in our hearts and in our thoughts when you least expect it and we will never forget them.

In our household, hubby and I have always marked Mothering Sunday and Father’s Day to each other as a way of saying “thank you” for being a mother or father to our children. There is no handbook to prepare you for parenthood and it’s a journey we undertook together – the ups, the downs and everything in between. Now our children have children of their own children and the cycle begins yet again. One hopes that the life lessons you’ve learnt and passed on, has given them the tools to bring up their own as responsible, caring humans for generations to come.

reverse fold card with He's All That

This is a reverse fold card and I will most certainly make another at some point. It may not be with the same stamp set. I should have a little more time to create another and include a video tutorial on how I made it.

Hubby keeps zipping in and out, and keeps interrupting me and I have to hide the post so he doesn’t see the card! Do you get moments like this?

I had to add these extra labels “to the man who does everything” on the front and inside the card as the card kept toppling over. The extra labels acted as a “foot” because the reverse fold card is much smaller.

Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll be back next week.

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Posted in Annual, Card Types, Clean and simple and tagged , .

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