Christmas Triple Treat Box

Christmas Triple Treat Box . This box has a hidden surprise. In fact it’s an exploding Triple Treat Box because what you see is a big rectangular box and when you lift the lid, the sides collapse to reveal 3 square treat boxes within! Intrigued? Read on!

Snowy Wonder Bundle

I used this bundle which will be retiring and is currently on the last chance list. You can find it on the online store under the Specials heading. If you click on that, there will be a drop down menu where you’ll find the Last Chance Products listing.

Cutting Guide

Large Box base and lid


  1. Box Base Real Red : 5 ¼” x 8 ½” . Orient card stock so Long side is at the top and score at 1 ¾” and 6 ¾”. Rotate card stock so Short side is at the top and score at 1 ¾” and 3 ½”.
  2. Remove each corner square on Box Base to enable sides to collapse.
  3. Box Base Lid Real Red : 6-1/16″ x 2-13/16″. Score all 4 sides at ½”.
  4. Orient box base lid on short side and cut along score line up to next score line. Repeat for opposite side. Set aside until you have constructed all 3 small boxes and lid and have adhered them to box base before assembling the box base lid.


  1. Box Base Real Red : 13.5 cm x 22 cm. Orient card stock so Long side is at the top and score at 4.5 cm. Rotate card stock 180 degrees and score opposite side at 4.5 cm. Next rotate card stock so Short side is at the top and score at 4.5 cm. Then rotate card stock 180 degrees and score opposite end also at 4.5 cm.
  2. Remove each corner square on Box Base to enable sides to collapse.

  1. Box Base Lid Real Red : 7.7 cm x 16 cm. Score all 4 sides at 1.5 cm.
  2. Orient box base lid on short side and cut along score line up to next score line. Repeat for opposite side. Set aside until you have constructed all 3 small boxes and lid and have adhered them to box base before assembling the box base lid.

Small Box and lid


  1. Small box : Cut 3 pieces of Real Red card for the mini boxes that each measure 4 ½” x 4 ½”.
  2. Score on all 4 sides at 1 ½”.
  3. Cut along score line up to first score line. Rotate card stock ¼ turn each time and cut up to first score line and repeat until all 4 sides have been cut. This means that when you assemble box, each side will have a double layer for added strength.
  4. Box lid : Cut 3 pieces of Real Red card stock that each measure 2-9/16″ x 2-9/16″.
  5. Score on all 4 sides  at ½”. Cut up to first score line on opposite ends to assemble lid. Place lid on top of each assembled box to get the correct fit.


  1. Small box : Cut 3 pieces of Real Red card for the mini boxes that each measure 11.5 cm x 11.5 cm.
  2. Score on all 4 sides at 3.7 cm.
  3. Cut along score line up to first score line. Rotate card stock ¼ turn each time and cut up to first score line and repeat until all 4 sides have been cut. This means that when you assemble box, each side will have a double layer for added strength.
  4. Box lid : Cut 3 pieces of Real Red card stock that each measure 6.5 x 6.5 cm.
  5. Score on all 4 sides at 1.3 cm. Cut up to first score line on opposite ends to assemble lid. Place lid on top of each assembled box to get the correct fit.

Mat Layers


  1. Inside mat layer Basic White for stamping : Cut one piece 1 ⅝”x 4 ⅞”
  2. Top of box lid Pool Party Mat #1: Cut one piece 1 ⅝”x 4 ⅞”
  3. Snowy Scenes 12 x 12 DSP : cut 3 pieces 1 ½” x 4 ¾” (2 long sides and 1 for top of lid)
  4. DSP 12 X 12 Snowy Scenes : cut 10 pieces 1 ½” x 1 ½” (use 3 pieces on reverse side as pictured) 
  5. Inside box lid lining Real Red : 1 ¾” x 5″


  1. Inside mat layer Basic White for stamping : Cut one piece 4 cm x 12.5 cm
  2. Top of box lid Pool Party Mat #1 : Cut one piece 4.3 cm x 12.8 cm
  3. Snowy Scenes 30.5 cm x 30.5 cm DSP : cut 3 pieces 4 cm x 12.5 cm (2 long sides and 1 for top of lid)
  4. DSP 12 x 12 Snowy Scenes : cut 10 pieces 3.5 x 3.5 cm (use 3 pieces on reverse side as pictured)
  5. Inside box lid lining Real Red : 4.8 cm x 12.8 cm

Supply list

Listed below is the supply list. Just click on the picture to take you directly to the item in my online store.

Product List

Thanks for visiting. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Use my 2025 March Host Code 7QDQCNHR. All orders over £40 will receive a special gift from me. Ordering over £150? Keep the rewards for yourself & still get my gift! 

Posted in 3D, Christmas, Gift Packaging and tagged , .

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