A Nice Day Out

Instead of a card I thought I’d share a couple of photos from our trip up to London.  We  had the best of the weather last Wednesday when we went to RHS Chelsea Flower Show and Thursday dawned with grey skies and intermittent showers!  The forecast is gloomy for the rest of the week.  

Guess who we bumped into?  She needs no introduction and like Dame Judi Dench, she’s just as much a National Treasure!

This year, there was hardly any garden that didn’t tickle my fancy and it was really hard to choose a favourite – so many struck a chord with me as they all had a story to tell.  I love the movement in this one and from afar it looks like netting, but it’s actually metal chains.

In the Pavilion, these orchids were arranged into a magnificent display as the tail feathers of a peacock.  

There was so much to see it was a feast for the eyes. 

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