Guest Designer!

Earlier in the week, I had a team training, and my lovely downline Petra came  bearing gifts, not just for me, but for hubby as well!   It’s so kind and thoughtful – I was tickled pink!  Thank you Petra!

It’s the little things that mean so much – and my lovely card club ladies left cards for me as there is a birthday in the house.  At the time of  composing this, I have yet to open my cards but I’m sure they’ll be lovely – I’m so touched that they even remembered!  I say this every year, perhaps it’s my upbringing, but I don’t tend to make a song and dance about my birthday and when you’ve had as many as I have, I’m kinda shy about revealing just how ancient I am!!!! lol!

Hubby has booked afternoon tea at Waddeson Manor in Buckinghamshire, so it will be an early to rise day to get there when it opens.  It’s not often we spend time together on a Sunday, as he’s usually with his pals at field archery, so I’m going to savour the day!

What are you doing this Sunday?  Have a good one!

Love from Mwah!

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