No Peeking!

If you happen to find time to stop by, here are a few last minute “to do” ideas.

This “No Peeking” set didn’t leap out at me initially, but having inked it, it’s grown on me!  What’s more they make great  name cards on a table setting!  It is tailor made for gift tags and it can also be used to make gift card holders!

Want a closer look?  Here’s the front, I used markers to put different colours on the lettering.  Colour combos – Island Indigo, Real Red, Whisper White, Gumball Green.

 Inside the card, one portion has been folded over and the two edges adhered to create a pocket.  The end was embellished with Northern Flurry embossing folder.  The greeting is a Hostess stamp set called “Whacky Wishes”.  When closed, the card fits into a C6 envelope.

As it’s Sunday I’m posting a bonus project – this is an interactive card, the head, body parts swivel so it collapes over the largest circle.  My grandsons would just love to play with this snowman.  His face, hat and scarf are from Stylin’ Snowfolk, and the present and mittens are from Jolly Bingo Bits.  For the head 1″ circle punch, torso – 1 3/8″ circle punch and the bottom – 1 3/4″ circle punch.

To make the snowman stand up, I just folded a piece of scrap and adhere it with a glue dot on the middle circle. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed this little breather from all the prep for christmas!

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