Clean and Simple Card Stampin Up Witty-cisms by Elaine Harding

Witty-cisms – Looking Sharp

What do you do with a Saguaro cactus? They’re prickly and not exactly pretty looking plants. They grow in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona where we saw them up close and personal and only then did I appreciate that these tree like cacti can grow up to 40 ft in height, or more and are […]

Sympathy card Woven Heirlooms

Woven Heirlooms

Sadly in all families we have to endure the loss of a loved one and my sister-in-law rang to convey her sympathies. During our chat, it transpired that the lock down had prevented her from re-stocking or purchasing much needed cards for various occasions. It then occurred to me that as a crafter and Stampin’ […]

Ornate Style with Peaceful Moments

  I  have another sample I made to show case the Ornate Garden Suite.  Being a Demo, we get to play with this newly released Ornate Style Bundle even earlier! I made this birthday card for one of my team whose birthday was in March which appeared on my instagram account a few weeks ago.  […]

matchbox, jumping jack in a box, exploding box

Jumping Jack boxes in a Matchbox!

Remember the rage with loom rubber bands? You could make all kinds of bracelets with them and my grandsons went through a phase when they were really expert at making them. They’ve grown out of it now but I’ve still got a box leftover full of these loom bands and I’ve found an alternative use […]

Happy Mother’s Day in the UK

Happy Mothering Sunday! I nearly missed today and had to do a quick re-shuffle of all my scheduled posts.  How did that happen?   Note to self – I’ll need to consult the calendar more often!  With an empty nest, I’ve completely lost  track of high days and holidays (read school vacations) let alone the days […]

Birthday Bonanza – Interactive card

Do you like interactive cards? I have some birthdays coming up for my grandsons so I’m ahead of myself this year!  They are growing up far too quickly for my liking, and cute  images like this won’t resonate with them for much longer as their tastes change and they develop more sophisticated tastes! The mechanism […]

valentine card with heartfelt

“Heartfelt” Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day to those who are lucky enough to celebrate with their Valentine, and for those who are unable to through time, distance or location or if they’re angels in heaven,  we will remember them too. For someone who’s not really into anything too saccharine,  I veered away from the reds.  Stampin’ Up!’s “From […]

clean and simple card with Heart to Heart Bundle

Heart to Heart Bundle

I like a bit of variety, don’t you?   Sometimes going back to basics  is the way to go, as was the case with this card.  The die just speaks for itself, so I let it and kept it simple. The adhesive sheets which Stampin’ Up! retired has been my most “go to” product, especially when […]