Bubbling Over at 40!

G’day as the Aussies say – equivalent to Good morning/afternoon/evening  whichever time of day you meet – true blue Aussies are so laid back – one greeting to fit all!  lol! (no offence intended, as I’m Aussie myself but domiciled in UK as my hubby’s English). This is a card I made for my son-in-law’s […]

Another Bubbles Over card!

Happy Sunday!  Did you have the opportunity to watch my video tutorial on the Bubbles Over Bundle published this Friday just gone by?   I think I’m hooked! The size of this card is deceptive especially when you photograph it for your blog!  In real life it is small and narrow.  This is a new line […]

Bubble Over Bundle

As my family grew, I struggled for years making cards for teenagers.  Not only that, I get asked a lot for ideas on making masculine cards.  At last, here’s the answer to your prayers!  Who would’ve thought that a stamp and die set featuring bottles would fit that bill …. genius! The most obvious is […]