Fable Friends Split Top Box

Happy Good Friday! Are you away for Easter weekend?  If not, and you’ve time on your hands here’s a cute little project you can make to use at each table setting!  It will fit a 2″ Easter egg – those hollow ones you can buy in bulk for Easter egg hunts – fairly inexpensive and […]

Retiring Best Bunny and Thrill Ride

I’m so sad that Best Bunny and Thrill Ride hasn’t made it into the new catalogue.  They’re both on the Retirement List which went Live on Monday night!  Things are selling out fast! Aren’t these bunnies super cute?     Yesterday, on my YouTube channel, I published a Top Tip Tuesday video on the Bunny Builder […]

Fable Friends family portrait!

It will be sad to say “good-bye” to this stamp set if it doesn’t make it into our next catalogue, so I thought that I’d make a “family portrait” of Fable Friends while it’s still current! I used the masking technique which is as old as the hills, but it’s a fabulous one.  It’s like […]