snk pk birthday blackberry bliss regal flora

Birthday card – Regal Flora Bundle

Birthday card – Regal Flora Bundle. This month’s Tech 4 Stampers Blog hop theme is all about birthdays and I’ve chosen the Regal Flora Bundle which is a bundle from the Regal Suite Collection on pages 34-35 of the new September-December 2024 mini. The colour palette in the patterned papers are Cherry Cobbler, Wild Wheat, […]

snk pk Best Wishes Friends 4 life

Dry embossed card – Friends for Life

Dry embossed card – Friends for Life. A great way to make a card special is to use the dry embossing technique. You can achieve this with an embossing folder. There are so many to choose from and it’s a quick easy way to add that extra “kappow” element to a card. The Friends for […]