Number of Years

When the years tick by and you look in the mirror what you see is an older version of you, but inside you think and see yourself much younger and it comes as a bit of a shock!  No, it’s not me, but I feel her pain and by the way, we’re all in the […]

Gulp! Hitting 40!

When I saw those decades pass me by, it didn’t bother me so much but when your Son & Heir hits 40 that’s a reality check!  Now I know how my Mum and Dad felt when I hit the big “Four Oh” which to me  as a Senior, sounds incredibly YOUNG!!!! Yes, our little boy […]

World Traveller Tone on Tone

Do you love maps?  How’s this for an understated, high impact “man” card?  Lost Lagoon card stock tone on tone, sponged round the edges and the sentiment on a banner over an embossed layer.  Done!  Could even be a Valentine’s card without the mush?  Is your guy a hearts and flowers man – I know […]