End of Term!

At last I can share this month’s projects with you as all my classes have finished and we’ve “broken up” and I can turn my attention to getting ready for christmas – presents to buy and cards to finish!  The crimper is such an under utilised tool and my mission this month was to demonstrate […]

Countdown to Christmas #2 Class

No, you haven’t come to the wrong blog! I’ve changed my blog background to get into the spirit of Christmas – so it’s still l’il ole me! I’m feeling a little sorry for myself as Mum flew back to Australia via Singapore late Sunday just past, so I needed something festive to cheer me up! […]

Polar Party, Pines & Pointsettias Pop Out card

I must be on a roll! Two posts this week, after dropping down to one at best!  The trouble is trying to find the time to  take photos of the projects. It isn’t just a question of point and shoot.  It’s finding the time to set up the studio, photograph,  upload, edit the photos before they’re deemed useable for […]

interlocking 3 drawer box closed

Pines and Poinsettias – interlocking drawers

I thought I’d squeeze in a post in case you thought I’d completely abandoned my blog! Time is at a premium – and Convention is looming and I still have Mum staying – it’s such a long way for her to come I feel that she is really my priority at the moment. Who knows […]

Pines & Pointsettias Tri-Shutter Album

                                      Another week gone by and I still haven’t really had time to blog.   This was one of the samples I’d made for a workshop last Thursday which I just had to share.  I’ve made these tri-shutter albums before, but haven’t posted and this is an updated version based on Andrea Walford’s original with the Holly Berry Specialty […]