July Technique Club projects

These are my July Technique Club projects.

stained glass technique card

This is the first of the two techniques my ladies did. The first was using the stained glass technique. They stamped the butterfly image on vellum in versamark and embossed in black. The stained glass lines were drawn with a versamark pen.

back of stained glass technique background

They used markers to colour in on the reverse side neatly so that… when the card is opened, the reverse side would look equally nice.

punch art lion 2

The second technique was a punch art lion. I thought it would make a nice change from stamping and it went down very well.

box with integral lid

For our 3D project, the ladies made this all in one box – not my idea, but I’d dismantled a box lady guests were given at one of my husband’s work “Do” and I took it apart to make a template.

If you live in the North Hants area near Fleet and would like to enrol in one of my clubs the above projects give you an idea of what to expect. I also run a Stamp With Elaine club. Click on Monthly Clubs on the navigation bar at the top of my blog for more details. I’d love for you to join me. We have such fun!

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Posted in 3D, Clean and simple, Technique and tagged .

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