Happy Birthday! O….and more sneak peeks?

Stop time!  I want to savour our grandchildren’s childhood, but they’re growing up too fast!  May has been an epic month for birthdays and we’re celebrating the fifth one this month. Our little man is no longer that little having reached his 10th birthday yesterday.  I remember the day he was born so clearly and can’t believe that he’ll be a teenager in 3 years time and I know how quickly that will come round.

He’s very sporty and has been “Man of the Match” on several occasions and naturally we’re extremely proud of him.  There are stamp sets and dies that I’ve hung on to even though they’ve been retired, and I am so glad I did because they are just perfect for our “footy” mad grandsons.  I shall be hanging on to the T-shirt bundle for sure! My football knowledge is a little sketchy, so I had to google it to find out what colour the football strip was for their team. The Leeds away strip is Pacific Point, and Daffodil Delight in Stampin’ Up! speak.

The lettering “Happy Birthday” is from a new die available 1st June and there is a stamp set that coordinates with it too.

I was able to create it using the retiring Custom Tee Bundle  and do you recognise the football and emblem for inside the card?  It’s a stamp set called “Great Sport” and I’m so glad I didn’t let it go! You’re probably wondering about the little die cut letters inside – something else that has retired, but I’m a squirrel – and hung on to that too!!!  Method in the madness and drives hubby mad with all the stuff I have! Will have to have a clear out soon, for sure! Happy Sunday!

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