Champagne Luxury in a Pentagonal Box

Champagne luxury in a pentagonal box using the Modern Garden bundle. In episode 9 of 12 time to break out the champers! Who wouldn’t love to receive a festive tipple? The Modern Garden bundle is part of Garden Walk Suite in the Sep-Dec 2023 mini on pages 52-54. The bundle comes with the Modern Oval punch instead of dies.

This suite has the Garden Walk 6″x 6″ (15.2 x 15.2 cm) DSP pack and carries 6 sheets of 8 double sided designs which is a little unusual. Most of the other 48 sheet 6″x 6″ packs usually only have 4 each of 12 double sided designs. I quite like the fact that there are fewer designs, but more sheets of each design.

pentagonal box with Modern Garden and Garden Walk DSP

I had originally intended to design this box as an integral squash lid box, but because there were 5 sides to the box, it didn’t work out. However, you can still squash the lid down and tie a ribbon round the neck with an equally pleasing effect. Let me know what you think.

close up pentagonal box with Garden Walk DSP and Modern Garden bundle

Cutting guide

The Pentagonal Imperial box version works out smaller than the Metric version.

*Note that in the US/Canada the paper size is 8 ½” x 11″. You can still make it with the same scoring measurements. Trim card stock to 8″ x 11″. The squash lid will be ¼” shorter.

  1. *Box Base : 8” x 11 ¼” ( 21 cm x 29.5 cm).
  2. Scoring Box Base : Short side on top score at 1 ½”, 3”, 4 ½”, 6”, 7 ½” (4 cm, 8 cm, 12 cm, 16 cm, 20 cm).  Long side score at 1 ½”, 7 ½”, 8 ¼”, 9” (4 cm, 20 cm, 22 cm, 24 cm).
  3. Mat layer #1 Wild Wheat : 5 pieces cut at 1 ¼” x 5 ¾” (3.5 cm x 15.5 cm)
  4. Mat layer #2 DSP – 5 pieces 1″ x 5 ½” (3 cm x 15 cm). Tip: If you want a continuous pattern, establish which way up your paper should be, and trim ½” off bottom. Trim each 1″x 5 ½” strip as you need it to adhere to Mat layer #1 on your box base as required. This way you can be sure that they are in order.
  5. Pentagonal base Poppy Parade : 3″x 3″ (7.5 cm x 7.5 cm)
  6. Scraps of Wild Wheat and Very Vanilla card stock for stamping floral elements and label.

For box assembly please refer to video on instructions on how to make further cuts and adjustments to your pentagonal box.

Video tutorial

Supply list

Listed below is the supply list. Just click on the picture to take you directly to the item in my online store.

Product List

I hope this has inspired you and I’ll be back next week with more gift packaging ideas for stocking fillers.

Use my 2025 March Host Code 7QDQCNHR. All orders over £40 will receive a special gift from me. Ordering over £150? Keep the rewards for yourself & still get my gift! 

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